rEnergy Foundation: Helping Revolutionise Energy - Local
The rEnergy model and toolkit is designed to support areas and regions to harvest energy, and the benefits, locally - and in doing so accelerate our path to Net Zero nationally while sharing in the benefits locally.
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The rEnergy Fintech Model: A Key to Local Energy Success
What is rEnergy?
The rEnergy model is a crucial component of the upcoming rEnergy toolbox, designed to empower local energy planners at local, area, and regional levels. This innovative approach leverages the 'Devolution by Default' initiative to create unprecedented opportunities for mayors, councils, and regions.
By adopting the rEnergy model, communities can:
  • Leapfrog bottlenecks to net zero
  • Repatriate millions in annual spending
  • Accelerate the adoption of renewable energy
  • Enhance local energy independence
The Energy Paradigm Shift


Zero Marginal Cost Renewable Energy
The global paradigm shift enabled by 'zero marginal cost' renewable energy has come of age. This shift is comparable to the transition from hunter-gatherers to farmers 10,000 years ago.


Local Energy Harvest
A local energy harvest can bypass the 13-year long grid queue, help relieve grid strain, and provide a bumper harvest locally while adding resilience and greater independence.


Decentralising Approach
A successful pilot in Sheffield has shown how a future-focused, decentralising approach can bypass blockages, remove barriers, double the impact and profitability of skilled workers, and halve costs for householders adopting solar and battery - while paying for itself.
The 'Devolution Revolution' Opportunity
Local Empowerment
The 'Devolution Revolution' announced by Angela Rayner opens a door for local areas across the country to take advantage of this paradigm shift.
Economic Benefits
Areas and regions can roll up their sleeves and share in the bonanza - a bumper energy harvest with the potential for huge financial and other benefits.
Accelerated Adoption
The rEnergy Model can put the advantages of The Preston model on steroids, delivering more than 10x the benefits while more than doubling our speed to net zero.
Parallel Processing
By enabling 'parallel processing' adoption across the country, we can significantly accelerate our progress towards sustainable energy goals.
The Power of Zero Marginal Cost Energy
Zero Fuel Cost
Once installed, the cost of capturing energy from solar is zero - no fuel is required.
Intelligent Storage
The rise of intelligent batteries makes the energy even more useful, providing for export in peak hours.
This supports and helps green the grid while providing additional income.
Economic Impact of Local Energy Production
Consumption Shift
For each 1% of consumption shifted nationally to local decentralised solar production
Annual Repatriation
Amount of spending that can be repatriated per year
Locally, for example, Sheffield (3.2% solar now) can rise to match Plymouth (15%), using the self-funding model this could repatriate around £170M per year, removed tens of thousands of tons of carbon emission and bringing a raft of other benefits to the area.
The Green Streets Sheffield Pilot
Cost Reduction
Reduced total installation costs by over 40%
Equitable Benefits
Upended the traditional 'Green Dividend' sharing benefits more equitably
Rapid Adoption
Doubled the number of domestic solar and battery installations on the streets within months
Bill Reduction
Reduced electricity bills by approximately 80%
Surplus Energy
Produces surplus energy for export, providing an additional income stream for households
The Best Energy Principle
The best and cleanest energy is that harvested from the environment, not generated, as close as possible, in space and time, to where it's required.

Local Harvesting
Emphasizes the importance of collecting energy locally rather than generating it centrally

Stresses the need for energy production to be as close as possible to where it's used

Environmental Focus
Prioritizes clean energy harvested from the environment over traditional generation methods
The rEnergy Enabling Model






Household Budget Focus
Respects that household budgets are already overstretched


Balance Point Calculation
Calculates when multiple incomes balance a low-cost loan


Immediate Benefits
Adds a small margin so households are better off from the first year


Long-Term Advantage
Inflation erodes the true cost in subsequent years
This innovative approach addresses the mismatch between how the solar industry thinks and sells (on ROI) and how households actually work (on a budget).
Benefits of the rEnergy Enabling Model
The rEnergy Enabling Model offers a wide range of benefits, from enhanced energy resilience to significant CO2 emissions reduction and job creation.
Seizing the Opportunity: A Call to Action






Adopt a Dual Approach
Utilize existing centralized assets while prioritizing decentralized energy harvesting


Empower Local Stakeholders
Encourage collaboration similar to the Preston model


Focus on Distributed Energy
Complement entrenched thinking with new approaches


Engage Communities
Shift public perception and inspire action
To seize this opportunity and accelerate towards Net Zero, LAEPs and RESPs need to rethink their approach through the lens of decentralised, bottom-up energy harvesting that can pay for itself.
Join the rEnergy Revolution
The rEnergy Foundation is at the forefront of this energy revolution, providing the tools and knowledge needed to transform local energy planning and accelerate the path to Net Zero.
Stay informed about our upcoming resources:
  • "Sharing the Local Energy Harvest - A How-To Report"
  • Webinar on implementing the rEnergy model in your area
Together, we can harness new thinking and new models to fight climate change and reap significant economic and social benefits for communities across the nation.